Monday, April 2, 2012

Resilience (updated 0403)

Illustrate the word Resilience. (updated 3/13)
Use listing as a tool to help develop and refine your ideas, this should be done in tandem with sketching.

Remember to sketch in the proportional scale and format of the final.

Size: no smaller than 15 x 20 inches
Medium: oils
Due dates:
Ten solid Thumbs, 3/8 at the beginning of class
Rough/value study: 3/13
Photo day: 3/15
Comprehensive: 3/20
Paint day 3/22
Convocation: 3/27
Paint day: 3/29

Final 4/5 at the beginning of class

Sage advice from professional illustrators:
Do not get caught up in too many specifics about any project ideas. Get the viewer engaged fast, hint at character or idea. You are ultimately trying to get a potential viewer engaged. Let the author solve the rest of the problems...
-Greg Manchess

A simple evocative engaging solution can often trump a giant montage. While sometimes the BIG COMPOSITION solution is perfect, consider ALL options-not just "the kitchen sink" option.

Pick your moment and make everything in service to that moment.
-Rebecca Guay
Make sure the sketch that you want to put up on the critique wall the first day is a clear and thorough sketch. Meaning, it should not be on a scrap of lined paper, or a half-finished thumbnail in the corner of a sketchbook. They should on decent paper and have a clear line around where you intend the border of the art to be.

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