Review comps. at Solomon (a must, do this on your own time)
Due: 02/12-Second round thumbnails, end of class
Finalize idea and begin comprehensive (generate photo reference)
02/17-President's day- No class
02/19- Studio day
Discuss image transfer- Review materials on your own prior to 02/26
02/24-Comprehensive (gray scale) due at the end of class
(must be approved before moving to final) -Graded-
Board cutting demo- if needed
Begin image transfer to illustration board
Image transfer must be complete before class
02/26-Paint day-(review materials)Image transfer must be complete before class
03/02- Paint day
03/04- Paint day
03/09- Paint day (Project due at the end of class)
15 x 20 inches
Oils on Strathmore illustration board
Thumbnail Sample: