Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Mural Sky team

We are on for today. Meet at the shelter at 10 am!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Dog Shelter (updated 10/17)

Update: Class will be held at the shelter October 27th from 10 am-1 pm
Mandatory attendance is required!

Assignment: Dog Shelter
Size: Mural 110 feet x 6 feet
Artist block: 75 inches x 70 inches
Medium: Water based paint provided

We’ve been assigned a community mural project to be painted at the Broome County Dog Shelter 

A local high school art club started this project resulting in images that are colorful, whimsical and welcoming, also the images have visual impact and are a quick read. Subsequently, the partially completed mural has created an interesting challenge, and that is to create work that is original but blends in with the current images making up the mural.

Moving forward, I would suggest staying with the whimsical theme and color palette but allow your style to come through. I would also suggest looking at ways to make the dogs a little more active and even reflective of our community. As an option, we could incorporate anthropomorphic traits
and the dogs could don hats, garb or gear that represent vocations (ie; police, fire, chef, baker, pizza maker, doctor, art professor, construction worker, farmer, etc.).
In addition, I would like you to create vignettes in the context of the overall theme and space- (ie; dog floating with balloons, fishing/boating, golfing, driving, hiking, painting, riding a bike, etc.). I'm
sure you’ll brainstorm endless ideas here!

We’ll strive to use visual cues and tools to create a unified mural (ie; color palette, implied lines, reoccurring themes, and rely on the principles and elements of design). Your character(s) and vignette should be able to exist as its own piece of art, simultaneously be a cohesive element making up the entire mural.

Create engaging relevant characters and vignettes
Be mindful of the entire project and the concept to make it cohesive
Incorporate elements that help tie this project together
Work large scale and with the grid system
Identify potential problems or pit-falls and solutions
Visit the site (be informed)

Due Dates:
Five solid thumbs 9/26 –at the beginning of class (note the format)
Second Round thumbs 9/26-at the end of class
Comprehensive: size -15 x 14 inches 10/3-at the end of class plus one color key. 7 1/2  x 7 inches
10/17 Comp. edit post meeting updates and changes
10/22 Final review with client 11:00 am, mandatory attendance
Transfer and paint days TBA

Each category under the subhead-Due Dates is worth 100 points, missing a deadline will result in a zero But you’ll still need to complete the assigned piece.

I view this as an opportunity to see your art at work in the community with the potential to impact a large viewing audience.



Plus Black and White